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Poisonous plants LITE 1.3
Alex Volgobook
The flora is diverse and colourful. And themodern person does not think of the life without plants. They arenecessary for food, breath, are used in the industry, used asmedicinal raw materials and, certainly, are used as a source ofpositive emotions. People grow up plants about houses, createparks, flower beds, lawns, plant trees and shrubs in the houses andapartments. And it is justified – thereby the person keeps thehealth. But very few people think of what not all plants bringbenefit and favorably influence the person. After all among plantsthere are a lot of those who is poisonous not only for the person,but also for animals. Thus often under external appeal poisonousplants disappear.Poisonous plants accompany us everywhere. They can be met in thewoods coniferous and deciduous, on dry and damp soils, on bogs, oncoast of the rivers, on meadows and fields, in the steppe and, asweed, near dwellings. Beautiful red wolf berries especially attractchildren, the small stalk of a gentle spring lily of the valley canchew and the adult (many like to take a blade in a mouth). And veryoften person, having seen the pleasant plant, brings it from thewild nature to itself in a front garden, often without reflectingand without knowing that this plant can be deadly.The Yadovitost of plants depends on the content in them ofchemicals which belong to various classes of chemical compounds.Most often in plants find alkaloids, glycosides, organiccompounds.Poisonings with vegetable poisons arise mainly in a warm season atthe use in food of unfamiliar plants or unknown mushrooms,especially children of younger age who are attracted by a beautifullook and bright color of many inedible berries and plants.According to researches of scientists, children of early, preschooland younger school age become victims of poisonings mostoften.Before you the reference book of poisonous flora in which herbright representatives are reflected most, effect of vegetablepoisons on a human body, ways of first aid to the injured person isdescribed.The reference book consists of four sections:1. Poisonous plants2. The cultivated poison3. Poisonous beauty near us4. Carefully: mushrooms!We hope that our reference book will help to preserve health andlives of the scientists, trying to learn the world through personalfeelings, will help everyone to look at beauty of the nature fromthe point of view of careful attitude to the health and health ofthe relatives.
Оперативочка in English 1.2
Alex Volgobook
Manual in Operative Surgery andTopographicalAnatomy. (Edition 2.) Edited by Doctor of Medicine,professor A.A.Vorobiev.The manual is compiled in accordance with curriculum inoperativesurgery and topographical anatomy for the therapeutic andpediatricmedical students. It can be used by interns andresidentsspecializing in surgery.Recommended by the Central Methodical Council of the VolgogradStateMedical University.Reviewers:Doctor of Medicine, professor N.V. Ostrovskiy, Saratov StateMedicalUniversity, the chair of operative surgery andtopographicalanatomy.Doctor of Medicine V.D. Ivanova Samara State Medical University,thechair of general surgery with the course of operativesurgery.Contents1. Introduction2. Rules and regulations at the chair of operative surgeryandtopographical anatomy3. Syllabus plans of practical classes for the students ofGeneralMedicine4. Syllabus plans of practical classes for the studentsofPediatrics5. Topics of the lecture course6. The list of practical skills7. Methods of carring out an operation day8. An exam procedure9. Samples of exam papers10. Examination questions for the faculty of General Medicine11. Examination questions for the faculty of Pediatrics12. Test questions13. Answers to test questions14. Recommended literatureAuthors hope, that regular work with the given methodicalgrantduring all training, and also self-checking of quality of thegotknowledge by means of resulted test a question will allowstudentsto master successfully a theoretical material, to fulfilnecessarypractical skills and successfully to use them at thefurthertraining and work in clinic.The Collective of faculty of operative surgery andtopographicalanatomy of the Volgograd State Medical Universitywishes studentsof health, optimism and successes in studyingdiscipline.ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ по курсу оперативной хирургии итопографическойанатомии.Под редакцией профессора, д.м.н. А.А. Воробьева.Учебно-методическоепособие для студентов лечебного ипедиатрического факультетов.Пособие соответствует учебной программе по оперативной хирургииитопографической анатомии для студентов лечебного ипедиатрическогофакультетов медицинских вузов. Оно может бытьиспользованоинтернами и клиническими ординаторами,специализирующимися похирургии.Manual inOperativeSurgery and Topographical Anatomy. (Edition 2.) Edited byDoctor ofMedicine, professor AA Vorobiev.The manual is compiled in accordance with curriculum inoperativesurgery and topographical anatomy for the therapeutic andpediatricmedical students. It can be used by interns andresidentsspecializing in surgery.Recommended by the Central Methodical Council of the VolgogradStateMedical University.Reviewers:Doctor of Medicine, professor N.V. Ostrovskiy, Saratov StateMedicalUniversity, the chair of operative surgery andtopographicalanatomy.Doctor of Medicine V.D. Ivanova Samara State Medical University,thechair of general surgery with the course of operativesurgery.Contents1. Introduction2. Rules and regulations at the chair of operative surgeryandtopographical anatomy3. Syllabus plans of practical classes for the students ofGeneralMedicine4. Syllabus plans of practical classes for the studentsofPediatrics5. Topics of the lecture course6. The list of practical skills7. Methods of carring out an operation day8. An exam procedure9. Samples of exam papers10. Examination questions for the faculty of General Medicine11. Examination questions for the faculty of Pediatrics12. Test questions13. Answers to test questions14. Recommended literatureAuthors hope, that regular work with the given methodicalgrantduring all training, and also self-checking of quality of thegotknowledge by means of resulted test a question will allowstudentsto master successfully a theoretical material, to fulfilnecessarypractical skills and successfully to use them at thefurthertraining and work in clinic.The Collective of faculty of operative surgery andtopographicalanatomy of the Volgograd State Medical Universitywishes studentsof health, optimism and successes in studyingdiscipline.Guide to the rate of operative surgery andtopographicanatomy.Edited by Professor Dr. AA Vorobyov. Study guide for studentsofmedical and pediatric departments.The benefit corresponds to the curriculum of operative surgeryandtopographic anatomy for students of medical and pediatricmedicalfaculties of universities. It can be used interns andclinicalinterns specializing in surgery.
Lecture on operative surgery№1 1.0
Alex Volgobook
The basis of the presentation is based ontheeponymous monograph of Professor A. A. Vorobyov and Professor I.A.Petrova. The lecture reveals the history of the developmentofsurgery through the prism of artistic image. Witnesses aresummonedin the most advanced part of society - artists,sculptors,engravers, publishers. Are works of art, illustratingthedevelopment of surgery in the era of its origin and in itsearlystages. Thanks, extant to the works of art - paintings,prints,sculpture, it becomes possible to reliably estimate what wasthesurgery at the last moment, attend surgical operations, to seetheancient surgeons, and understand how far we have come andwhatprice humanity has got modern advances in surgery.Lecture of interest not only to future doctors, but to allpeople,indifferent to their past and seeking to understandthepresent.
Женсовет по... 1.0
Alex Volgobook
Вот и настал новый период в жизни молодойсемьи– ожидание малыша. Наступление беременности, кроме радостейиволнений, означает и новые взаимоотношения с государством,котороепредоставляет беременной женщине определенные права, в томчисле ив области трудового законодательства. С появлениембеременностивозникает целый ряд вопросов, ответы на которые собраныв этомместе!That came a new periodinthe life of a young family - waiting for the baby.Pregnancy,except for fun and excitement, and is a new relationshipwith thestate, which provides pregnant women certain rights,including inthe field of labor law. With the advent of pregnancyraises anumber of questions, the answers to which are collected inthisplace!
First Aid PRO App 1.2
Alex Volgobook
How to give first aid in case ofaccidents,traumas, poisonings, and other conditions and diseasesthatthreaten the lives and health of people?